Friday, October 31, 2008

Maferefun todos los Santos y Muertos!!

Maferefun todos los Santos y Muertos!!

I would like to wish everyone a very Happy and safe
All Saints Day,
All Souls Day,
and Dia de los Muertos!!

Remember there is no time lke the present to begin working with your Muertos/Egun/Ancestors so; take a special moment in the next few days to talk to them and begin allowing them to guide you....
Begin TODAY building your Cuadro Espiritual (Spiritual Court)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Misa Espiritual tonight!

I rcd a rather shocking blow today and I will be taking it to my Cuadro Espiritual tonight in a personal misa... I have no doubts that my muertos will help me bring a good end to this rather horrible news I rcd today...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sea El Santisimo~

Sea el Santísimo, sea.
Sea el Santísimo, sea.
Madre mía de la Caridad,
ayúdanos, ampáranos
en el nombre de Dios,
ay Dios
Sea el Santísimo, sea.
Sea el Santísimo, sea.
Madre mía de la Caridad,
ayúdanos, ampáranos
en el nombre de Dios,
ay Dios

Monday, October 27, 2008

Papa Rouj working "Pro Bono"

In the old days if a client came to the Hoodoo Doctor with a serious problem yet had no money with which to pay for his/her services; the GOOD and HONEST Hoodoo Doctor would take their case simply for the benefit of helping someone in need.....I have ALWAYS firmly believed in this practice and I do from time to time take cases/consultas/etc on this basis.

I have done this for a certain person who contacted me and I will be giving them a free consulta tomorrow. From the way this already feels I have a firm belief that I will at the very least be setting lights for them, and most probably wind up doing work for them on a "pro-bono" basis.

I am sooo very greatful to God and His Most Blessed Mother everyday for allowing me to serve people in this way........

Words of wisdom from my Madama

Today was just one of those days where divination goes all wacky and jumbled. It was as if my spirits of Divination were trying to ALL tell me things and if simply came out jumbled and made no sense.

After saluting my Madama at my bóveda and asking what was going on today, I heard:
"Child, put dem cards away fer da day it aint right." hehehe

So says La Madama, some days it just: "Ain't right!" for divination..

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Client results

I was informed today by a client of mine that after doing some prosperity/money drawing work for them last WEEK that they found out today that a work bonus in the amount of $685.96 had been given to them and will show on next week's check...They were not expecting to even rcv a bonus!!

Last evening I gave a consulta to a client who really is a sceptic and after the consulta is a firm believer. My Madama gave me information to relate to the client that he had told NOBODY before about his ex wife's MULTIPLE cheating with various partners, and his 2 near death occurances....

All in all, a great 2 days of work.....

Maferefun Egun y Madama mio!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Begin with the ancestors!

Maferefun Eggun!!!

To honor ones' ancestors is giving honor to your personal blood line as well as the linage of our existence. We often call the ancestors by the Yoruba term Egun. Without the ancestors being pleased and blessing your work, you will not see very good results because, after all; ancestors always come FIRST!

Your egun are also a fundamental part of who you are and where you comefrom. In fact, when saluting your egun, you are declaring who you are in a direct way by the act of declaring where you came from. By connecting with your egun you affirm the continuity from the distant past towards the distant future.

To begin honoring the ancestors you should set aside a special area for them in your home and I will give you the method I use (and was taught) for setting up and using a Bóveda Espiritual which comes from the Espiritismo/Lucumi tradition. I suggest starting TODAY to build your Cuadro Espiritual (Spiritual Court) and you will notice an increase of protection, prosperity, and general happiness in your home and life.


The bóveda is the place we most often go to to salute and to commune with egun (ancestors) on a daily basis. There are many different personal touches that make each practitioners' Bóveda different however there are a few things that are pretty much the same framework and these I will describe now so that you may begin working with your ancestors today!

Begin by covering a table or shelf with a white cloth. On this table or shelf place 7 clear glasses of cool water (some variations call for 9 glasses) with one being a larger goblet style glass. The 6 smaller glasses should be places in an open V formation, extending from the large glass. They represent the spirits who walk with you. The large glass is your central glass and represents your main guide, or a communal place for the ancestors to communicate through. Into this glass place a small metal crucifix. This will repel any evil spirits that may try to confuse or harm you.

Also put a red candle on the table. (Red being the color of blood to remind you of the ties to your ancestors) You should also hang a rosary over the table to represent God.

You should now sprinkle your Boveda with Holy Water and Florida Water. You should also sprinkle the boveda with these things every time you communicate with your ancestors or Cuadro Espiritual. If you have pictures of deceased relatives put these up on the Boveda, (or the wall above the actual table but do not include any pictures of the living.

Other offerings can be cigars, rum, black coffee, any foods that a particular spirit liked in life, and personal objects they owned in life, petitions, etc.

On the Bóveda should also be placed an image/statue of the African Spirits known as La Madama and El Congo. And an Indian Head to represent the Spirit El Indio.

By honoring these spirits we are acknowledging the African Spirits who brought the practices with them and the Native spirits who were here before the White man. (these statues can be purchased at most Botanicas)

Change the water, rum, cigar, candle and other offerings every week.

When you approach the boveda you should talk to them and say who you are and what you have come to do, etc. And listen...given time your ancestors will start to speak to you and you must listen. After a while you will be able to tell the difference between your thoughts and when the spirits are talking. And always speak from your heart. You can use various Catholic Prayers, The Our Father, Hail Mary, Gloria, etc. You may use Allan Kardec's book of prayers, or simply speak from the heart which is always the best. You can recite long prayers in Lucumi but if it doesn't come from the heart it means nothing.....


Kitchen Kick-off!

Alafia, and Blessings to all....

Welcome to Papa Rouj's Hoodoo Kitchen!

This blog is about Hoodoo, Rootwork, Conjure, and various other African diasporic practices and beliefs of the South. In the words of Dr. Kioni.......

"Sit back, relax, and lets do the Hoodoo!"